Ismail Serageldin



Reflections on Education

Short Essay on the Constitution (Arabic)

Building the Global Knowledge Society

البحث عن الدستور

Mobiliser le Savoir pour eradiquer la faim

The Shape of Tomorrow - The Seven Pillars of the Knowledge Revolution and their Implications

From Promise to Practice: Applications of Science and Technology in Food, Healthcare, Energy and Environment

Le Peuplement de la Méditerranée: Synthèse & Question D’Avenir

حسن فتحي- المدرسة و المسيرة

داروين و نظرية التطور

مكتبة الإسكندرية من البناء الى العمل

Freedom to Innovate: Biotechnology in Africa’s Development

Freedom to Innovate: Biotechnology in Africa’s Development (French edition)

Water for a Growing Planet

Hassan Fathy : The Man and His Legacy

Much More Than a Building … : Reclaiming the Legacy of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Islam and Democracy

Thank you for inviting me to deliver this important address. There has never been a time when the polarization of feelings has been as acute, and the stakes for the promotion of common understanding and mutual respect as great as right now. The advocates of the ostensible "clash of civilizations” who want to make it a self-fulfilling prophecy, find ample comfort in the statements and actions of the extremist few. The media amplify the statements and views of those who do not want to know better, and the voices of reason are drowned out in the cacophony of images and messages that preach hatred and destruction.

Science: The Culture of Living Change. 2nd ed

Freedom of Expression

Inventing Our Future: Essays on Freedom, Democracy and Reform in the Arab World. 2nd ed

We are living in truly historic times. At the dawn of the new millennium, a scientific and technological revolution grips the world and is pushing us all, willy-nilly, into the information age...

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