Ismail Serageldin


Emerging Humanisms Discussed at the Library of Alexandria

10/12/2003 | Alexandria
UNESCO held a special conference on Emerging Humanisms on 9-10 December 2003 at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. Ismail Serageldin gave a special presentation to the participants dealing with the self-image and opening to the other. Using his trademark technique of hundreds of carefully selected pictures, he made a convincing case for the importance of universal values in the definition of cultural identities.

A Thoughtful Closing Statement at the Conference on Computer Translation

06/12/2003 | Alexandria
Ismail Serageldin delivered a thoughtful and evocative closing address to the conference on “Convergences 03” organized by the UNU and the UNDL foundation at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA), which started on 2 December 2003. The address combining reflections on language, culture and the meaning of meaning and reviewing the current state of work on machine-based translation was well received by the distinguished audience.

Serageldin Issues a Public Statement about "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" Controversy

04/12/2003 | Alexandria
In response to the enormous public outcry concerning the presence of a copy of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" in an exhibition at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) and the alleged remarks made by a senior official of the BA, Ismail Seraeldin, with characteristic directness issued the following public statement ...

Serageldin Addresses Inter-Academy Meeting about Capacity Building

03/12/2003 | Mexico City
Ismail Serageldin joined Professor Jacob Palis of Brazil on the podium of the inter-academy meeting in Mexico City today. The two, co-chairs of the International Panel on Capacity Building In Science And Technology (S&T) presented their panel’s final report to the assembled heads and representatives of academies from around the world.

Serageldin Addresses 75th Meeting of ICAD

20/11/2003 | Deventer, The Netherlands
Ismail Serageldin addressed the 75th meeting of the International Conference on Agriculture and Development. Before a packed audience he articulated his views about the problems of international trade and agriculture in relation to the needs of developing countries.

A Magisterial Lecture on American History and Current Diplomacy

10/11/2003 | Cairo
Addressing the Egyptian Council for Foreign Relations, Ismail Serageldin gave a sweeping account of the history of American diplomacy over 200 years, supported by a wide array of lively pictures. He went on to suggest that contemporary relations with the US should be based on a clearly articulated sense of Egyptian interests and that this would yield a stronger relationship, based on clearly defined areas of collaboration and areas where we agree to disagree, and then move on.

Loss of a Friend - Dr. Adel Abu Zahra Passes Away

02/11/2003 | Alexandria
Dr. Adel Abu Zahra, one of the foremost leaders of the NGO movement passed away on the 30 October 2003 after a difficult illness. Dr. Abu Zahra was a world famous campaigner for righteous causes, who was elected one of the ten most effective NGO leaders in the world.

Umberto Eco at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina

01/11/2003 | Alexandria
Distinguished Italian author Umberto Eco visited the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) today and delivered a lecture on the vegetal and mineral memories and the future of the book. Ismail Serageldin welcomed Dr. eco and chaired the meeting and the debate that was very well attended. Many distinguished visitors came from Cairo and attended the lecture and participated in the debate.

Serageldin Hosts Meetings of Committees of Intellectuals

23/10/2003 | Alexandria
Over 80 of Egypt's foremost intellectuals met at the Library of Alexandria to chart some of the key actions and projects tat the Library should undertake in the coming years. Ismail Serageldin committed the library to implement two suggestions as others are being developed.

Serageldin Joins in Homage to Taha Hussain

23/10/2003 | Alexandria
In a two day tribute to Taha Hussain, Egypt's foremost intellectual of the 20th century, many intellectuals joined in a series of scholarly presentations and debates, highlighting the great contributions and open, tolerant thinking of Taha Hussain.

Serageldin Elected VP of Science Academy

22/10/2003 | Beijing
The Third world Academy of Science (TWAS), founded by the late Nobel Laureate Abdus Salam and a group of distinguished scientists from the third World, completed its twentieth anniversary session in Beijing. The Academy, the largest grouping of all the top scientists from the developing world, elected a number of new officers, including Ismail Serageldin as VP for the Arab World, and Jorge Allende as VP for Latin America.

Serageldin Honors Marie Curie

15/10/2003 | Paris, France
Before a distinguished audience that included Nobel Laureates, the President of the French Academy of Sciences, the president of the Institut Curie, and distinguished members of the College de France as well as a large number of interested persons, Ismail Serageldin delivered a special memorial lecture to celebrate the centennial of Marie Curie's first Nobel Prize in 1903.

The Bibliotheca Alexandrina Celebrates a Year since its Inauguration

12/10/2003 | Alexandria
Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak, inaugurated a new wing (Exploratorium and exhibition spaces) and presided at a Gala reception celebrates the passing of a year since the formal inauguration of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) on 16 October 2003. The event coincided with the visit of the international Associations of friends of the BA, and a particularly large contingent of Greek friends who joined in organizing a part of the evening.

Scientific Responsibility Discussed in Mexico: Serageldin Delivers Magisterial Lecture

23/09/2003 | Mexico City
Delegates from as far away as Japan and Europe and from all over Latin America met under the aegis of the Mexican branch of Mouvement Universel pour la Responsibilite Scientifique (MURS), the Universal Movement For Scientific Responsibility. This group looks to involve scientists in the public debate on topics ranging from bioethics to nanotechnology, believing that free inquiry should be matched by a responsible deployment of technology.

A Call to Scientists

21/09/2003 | Mexico City
Delegates form fifteen countries assembling in Mexico city were motivated by a call to scientists jointly issued by Nobel Laureate Jean Dausset and Ismail Serageldin and endorsed buy hundreds of scientists at their meeting in Alexandria on the occasion of the international conference on the Ethics And Social Responsibilities Of Science And Technology held at Alexandria 19-21 October 2002.

BA Staff Meet for Weekly Lectures

16/09/2003 | Alexandria
Saying that staff working at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) should be well rounded individuals, Serageldin insists that part of every Tuesday is devoted to lectures on wide-ranging topics as well as library related issues. He has so far lectured on the history of the US policy in the world, water and food security. The library is closed to the public on Tuesdays for internal staff training and other matters.

Serageldin Heads Egyptian Delegation at First Japan-Arab Dialogue

05/09/2003 | Tokyo
Ismail Serageldin, Librarian of Alexandria, headed the Egyptian delegation to the first Japan-Arab dialogue. The Dialogue was initiated in response to a request by Prime Minister Koizumi to both President Mubarak of Egypt and Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. It is a special informal (track two) dialogue of eminent persons. The Japanese delegation was headed by Former Prime Minister Hashimoto.

Serageldin Chairs Special Meeting for Establishing Genetic Platform for Food Security for the Developing Countries

01/09/2003 | Wageningen, The Netherlands
Wageningen was the venue for a meeting of the representatives of a consortium of research institutions and universities seeking to establish an open access platform for the utilization of the new life sciences for the 22 basic crops on which the CGIAR works. The consortium comprises a large number of CGIAR centers, spearheaded by IRRI, CIMMYT, and IPGRI.

Serageldin Delivers Keynote Address at 25th Anniversary Meeting of the European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB) in Basel

26/08/2003 | Basel, Switzerland
At the 25th anniversary meeting of the EFB, Ismail Serageldin delivered a rousing keynote speech under the title of Biotechnology on a North-South gradient. Serageldin emphasized that while biotechnology did not constitute a magic bullet for the woes of the developing world, it was one more tool in the toolkit that scientists needed to harness the best in Science d technology to tackle the problems of the poor and the environment in the developing countries.

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