Ismail Serageldin

Reform & Democracy

2006 6 December

Reinventing Egyptian Education

Conference Closing Summation at the AMIDEAST 50th Anniversary Celebration, Cairo, Egypt

I am delighted to join you in celebrating the 50th anniversary of AMIDEAST’s activities in Egypt. Half a century where AMIDEAST has helped build bridges between the US and Egypt, even in turbulent times, like the period we are going through right now.

2006 6 November

Statement of Thanks

Bajaj Foundation, Mumbai, India

It is difficult to speak at a moment like this. For any person who believes in human dignity, in human rights, in peace, in non-violence… the name of Mahatma Gandhi shines like the sun… it extinguishes from view all the stars of the firmament. Indeed, it has been rightly said that it is difficult to imagine that such a person walked the earth…

2006 1 November

Reform At The Bibliotheca Alexandrina: The Start Of A Process

Egypt, Alexandria

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Reform At The Bibliotheca Alexandrina: The Start Of A Process” in the Library of Alexandria.

2006 16 June

Education for Peace

Petra, Jordan

The Arab and Muslim worlds are very diverse. Covering a vast expanse that stretches from Morocco to Indonesia and from Central Asia to northern Nigeria, the predominantly Muslim countries show an enormous diversity of local cultures, languages and national histories and experiences.

2006 20 January

Reflections on Culture and Development


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Reflections on Culture and Development” at the BA.

2005 25 August

Japan and the Arab World: A New Strategic Alliance

Vienna, Austria

Half a world away, half a lifetime ago, President John F. Kennedy spoke of world peace, he said:

“For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.”

2005 6 May

Partnerships for Peace

An Address Delivered at the 69th Meeting of District 2450 of The Rotary International, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt

With the eloquent words of HE the first lady still ringing in our ears, and the soaring vista that her vision of a better future has opened for all of us firmly before our eyes, allow me to focus my remarks on the important topic of building partnerships for peace.


Inventing our Future: Essays on Freedom, Governance and Reform in the Arab World

 Ismail Serageldin    Download

We are living in truly historic times. At the dawn of the new millennium, a scientific and technological revolution grips the world and is pushing us all, willy-nilly, into the information age.

2004 8 December

Aspects of Educational Reform: Some International examples


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Aspects of Educational Reform: Some International examples” at the BA.

2004 30 April

Egyptian Reform: The Time for Action is Now!

At a time when the whole world has put the Arab world under a microscope, and Arab as well as foreign voices are crying for reform, the question is no longer whether reform is needed, but rather how to bring about lasting change.


وثيقة الإسكندرية

 إسماعيل سراج الدين    Download
1997 19 February

The Transition from War to Peace: A Regional Workshop

Opening Remarks Delivered at Carter Center

As I join in welcoming you to this workshop, I am most honored to stand beside the foremost peacemaker of our time, President Carter, who has taught us to "wage peace" and eschew war.

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. (Matthew 5.9)

Mr. President,

The UN charter called for the abolition of the scourge of war, but the machinery of the UN, of the international agencies, was designed to deal with wars between states, but now, most wars tend to be within states. Indeed conflicts exist in about 40 countries worldwide today, many now lasting 10-20 years. As we all know the conflict in Guatemala had been going on for over 30 years.


The New Abolitionists

 Earth Times    Download

The spate of articles about China’s food needs, the increases in the price of wheat, and the concerns of population growth in the poor countries of the world, have converged to shake the world's unwarranted complacency towards the issue of food security. This makes the upcoming food security summit particularly timely. It is indeed important that the world reassess the prospects for achieving food security for all, and abolish the scandal of hunger in a world of plenty, as we enter the third millennium.

1995 21 October

There is a Tide

28th AAUG Annual Conference, Washington, D.C

Thank you for giving me the occasion to say these few words. I will not use my time to deliver reams of statistics and technical discussions. Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the World, must undertake a profound renaissance in the status of Muslim societies around the world. It must play a role in leading the renaissance of the Muslim World as we approach the third millennium of our common era.

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