Ismail Serageldin


Lectures at LoC on the Future of Egypt and the Future of Libraries

08/03/2013 | Washington DC

Serageldin gave three lectures at the Library of Congress (LoC) this week. On 6 March he spoke before a packed auditorium on “The Arab World and the Future of Egypt”. Large audiences returned to the LoC on 8 March for two more lectures by Serageldin on the topics: “The Loss and Rebirth of the Library of Alexandria” and “The Knowledge Revolution and the Future of Libraries”.

Librarian of Congress, James Billington, invited Serageldin to deliver the March lectures, following the First International Summit of the Book, held at the LoC last December, where Serageldin received a standing ovation for his keynote speech. ”I am delighted that my friend and fellow explorer of the life of the mind will return to the Library of Congress to share his insights", said Billington in the LoC press release. 


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