Ismail Serageldin


A Speech on Poverty Eradication and Biodiversity

27/06/2011 | Paris

Serageldin speaks today at the International Conference “Reconciling poverty eradication and quality of the environment: What are the innovative solutions?” held in Paris under the patronage of the French Ministry for Economy, Finance and Industry. The conference will be opened by Dov Zerah, Director General, Agence Française de Développement (AFD); Antoine Frérot, Chairman and CEO Veolia Environnement,; and Christine Lagarde, French Minister for Economy Finance and Industry. Serageldin will give his speech at a plenary session on Poverty Eradication and Biodiversity.

Co-organized by Veolia Environment Institute and AFD, the conference gathers a wide audience representing academics, scientists, NGOs, multilateral aid agencies and donors, national, European and international authorities, political decision-makers and businesses, as well as postgraduate students of development. 500 to 600 participants are expected. The conference aims at presenting, illustrating and debating global and local approaches and initiatives making it possible to reconcile poverty eradication and quality of the environment.

The AFD is a development finance institution that works on behalf of the French government. Its activities are aimed at reducing poverty and inequalities, and promoting sustainable economic growth. The Veolia Environment Institute’s main goal is to contribute to a fuller understanding of the transformations occurring in the field of the environment.

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