Ismail Serageldin


World Leaders and Former Leaders Convene at CGDC Annual Meeting

04/12/2013 | Vienna

Serageldin joined a gathering of eminent world leaders at the third 3rd Annual Meeting of the Center for Global Dialogue and Cooperation (CDGC) held under the title “Dialogue and Cooperation for Change”- Eurasian Interdependencies on Overcoming the Crisis. The meeting opened with a welcome speech by Petar Stoyanov, President and Founder of CGDC, Former President of the Republic of Bulgaria, followed by a keynote speech by Gjorge Ivanov, President of Macedonia.

Serageldin spoke in a panel on “Synergies to Master the Global Crisis”. Moderating the session was Mário David, Member of the European Parliament; and co-panelists were Werner Fasslabend, former Minister of Defence, Austria,Vice President of CGDC; and Kamran MOFID, Founder of Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative. Following the session was a keynote speech by Rosen Plevneliev, President of Bulgaria, and a question and answer session with former US President Bill Clinton and José Manuel Durão Barroso, President of the European Commission. As a closing event of the meeting an award ceremony was held where the CGDC presented José Manuel Durão Barroso with the 2013 Award for “Enhancing Mutual Understanding amongst Diverse People”.

The CDGC is a global movement that seeks to support emerging countries to assist them in becoming more efficient, capable and stable partners in Europe and worldwide.

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