Ismail Serageldin


Loss of a Friend - Dr. Adel Abu Zahra Passes Away

02/11/2003 | Alexandria

Dr. Adel Abu Zahra, one of the foremost leaders of the NGO movement passed away on the 30 October 2003 after a difficult illness. Dr. Abu Zahra was a world famous campaigner for righteous causes, who was elected one of the ten most effective NGO leaders in the world.  He founded the Egyptian association of the friends of the BA, and the friends of the environment and the friends of music societies. An active campaigner for human rights and women's equality, he was a staunch defender of dialogue and understanding, he was enormously respected by friend and foe alike for his enormous integrity.  He made contributions to the BA and was leading its dialogue forum.  Ismail Serageldin, a close friend, led a special memorial service in his honor at the BA on the 2nd of November, and stated to all that he lives on in his woks, his ideas and his achievements, and that all are committed to continue the things that he started. 


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