Ismail Serageldin


The C-100 to Develop Programs in Culture

21/01/2004 | Davos, Switzerland

The Committee of 100 members (the C-100) who meet under the auspices of the WEF at Davos and elsewhere, met again to develop particular programs of action as the group moves from rhetoric to action. Several themes were selected, and Serageldin co-chaired the culture work-group with Lord David Putnam. Serageldin helped summarize a range of real actions that could be taken by the C-100 to promote a culture of peace and understanding and to enhance real inter-cultural dialogues. Specifically, the group suggested that in addition to exhibitions and cultural exchanges, an urgent activity was to beef up the secretariat of the c-199 and to prepare a Public Service Announcement (PSA) to explain the C-100 program and to promote a culture of peace and tolerance, the C-100 programs, in time for airing at the Olympics in August 2004. In addition, Goodwill Ambassadors should be solicited for spreading the good word during and after the Olympics.

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